Restaurants Serving Criollo Beef
Would you like to see Certified Criollo Grass Fed Beef Burgers or Steaks
offered at your favorite restaurant, diner or cafe? Click here and tell us about them. We will contact
them and make the suggestion on your behalf!
Please click here!
Where: Natural Food Center - Abilene, Texas
Notes: Natural Food Center, at 2534 S. 7th, in Abilene, Texas, now carries our Grass Fed
Criollo Beef products for you to take home and prepare, or enjoy some Criollo Beef creations prepared
by Chef Joel, right there in the restaurant! Call the Natural Food Center at 325-673-2726.
Visit their website at
Click here for a map/directions to Natural Food Center.
Where: Vickie's Cafe - Tuscola, Texas
Notes: Vicki's Cafe, in Tuscola, Texas, is the first to offer our Grass Fed Criollo Burgers on
thier menu. After going through a short series of taste tests with some of her customers, owner Vickie Whitten,
immediately decided she wanted Criollo Burgers on the menu! For all you folks here in Big Country (for all you
non-locals, that is the area around Abilene, Texas), you can now stop by Vickie's Cafe in Tuscola, and enjoy
a delicious, healthy Criollo Burger with all the fixin's! Call Vickie's at 325-554-9316.
Click here for a map/directions to Vickie's Cafe.